
Define what cookies are: Cookies are small text files that are always download to a visitor’s computer. When he or she visits a website for fully funded scholarships. Such data is about users’ behaviour on that site and is include in cookies.

Types of cookies:

Session cookies: persistent cookies that last until the user closes their browser.

Persistent cookies: The duration on the user’s gadget for a specified time, maybe in case the browser is close.

Third-party cookies: Domain-other-than-the-one-that-the-user-is-visiting, usually for advertising or target tracking.

Cookie consent: Inform the public regarding the necessity of getting user consent for exploitation. Indicate that the fact of using the website indicates the user’s desire to give his consent to theweb application of cookies, along with the privacy policy offered. Let users either agree or disagree to ensure that this choice is simple to make and can be found easily.

Cookie settings: 

  • Browse users through cookie control in their browsers.
  • Tell him how to remove existing ones or prevent new ones from being save.
  • Provide a link or instructions on accessing individual browsers in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

Cookie usage: 

  • List out, in due course, the types of cookies that your website is using, namely those that remain in memory and those that expire by themselves.
  • Specify if cookies are necessary for the website’s functioning or are use for analytics, advertising, and other purposes.
  • Provide instructions on how users can opt out of non-essential privacy if they desire to exercise such a choice.

Policy updates:

  • Say that the cookie policy may be subject to changes according to the activity of cookies or the occurrence of any new government, should any arise.
  • Invite users to visit the policy page from time to time to stay up-to-date.

Contact information:

Set up an email or form for any user to inquire about any questions related to fellowships, internships, international jobs or things done against their privacy.