
All original materials publish on the WSScholar4u website, including articles, images, graphics and logos are fully own by WsScholar4u.

Restrictions on use: 

Users cannot reproduce, distribute or modify any WsScholar4u content without written permission. This includes copying to other sites, social media platforms or any other medium.


If users share the content of WsScholar4u they must attribute it in the right way where the source of information will be credit as a direct link back to the original page at WsScholar4u website.


Some third parties may license certain types of content on WsScholar4u while under fair principles some may be use. For usage guidelines, users should refer to these specific attributions or disclaimers accompanying such contents.

Report Infringement: 

The intellectual property rights of others are highly value by the company. Therefore, if their work is reproduce on the Homepage without proper authorisation from them copyright infringement can be report by contacting the designate copyright agent/s.

Contact Details: 

Any user with copyright queries or wishes to report a case of copyright infringement can reach out to WsScholar4u using their email address above or via the contact form available on their site.