Scholarships for Master in Italy (Complete Guide)

Scholarships for Master in Italy

Italy, which has a lot of history, art and culture, is one of the most popular acadmic destinations for international students. That pursuing a scholarships for Master in Italy degree. This article about scholarships for masters in Italy. So that you can make an informed choice regarding your education. Many students are enticed to pursue their Master degree in Italy. Because of its rich historical past, artistic treasures and intellectual vibrancy.

This complete guide takes you into the fascinating world of scholarship opportunities. We’ll let you into the different types of scholarships including those funded by Italy governments. At each step we will examine eligibility criteria, provide application deadlines and documents. That you understand exactly what to do. This way it will be easy for you to go through.

Moreover, we will give you resourceful tips for improving your application chances. That increasing your possibility of winning these scholarships that support education activities in Italian institutions. Hence prepare yourself for an interesting journey as we introduce various types of scholarships available and show how they can help someone achieve their objectives concerning Scholarships for Master in Italy Programs in Italy.

Why Master in Italy?

Italy is home to some of Europe’s oldest and most famous universities. Which makes it a global destination for quality studies. Discover Italian universities that stand out with their unique combination of tradition and innovation.” It is also refers to as one of those places where people want to go to study Scholarships for Master in Italy.

Immerse yourself in cutting-edge research, taking advantage of Italy’s expertise in design, engineering and sustainability. But Italy’s true magic lies beyond the classroom walls. Picture yourself walking through the Colosseum, interpreting works of art from history in Florence or tasting different foods from around the country. A museum of living culture unlike any other. Because it provides a once in a- ifetime chance for cultural inclusion and personal development that will last forever. Practice your language skills while interacting with natives understand their ways and dialects.

Application Process

  • Identify Your Dream University: Choosing your ideal campus matters a lot. Among selected institutions there are those that are recognized worldwide such as Scuola Normale Superiore; Bocconi University; University of Bologna; Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) among others which we shall highlight during this procedure.
  • Unravel the Scholarship Opportunities: Explore numerous scholarships for a Masters in Italy available in the academic year 2024-2025. We shall be looking at the different types of awards that can cater for fees, accommodation, medical cover and transport grants which range from full sponsorship to partial scholarships.

University Scholarships

1. Padua International Excellence Scholarship Program

  • Description: Highly selective scholarships for talented international students pursuing English-taught Master’s degrees.
  • Award: Tuition + €8,000 annually for up to two years.
  • Eligibility: Outstanding grades only, certified English proficiency level B2 at least required by all candidates who are also non-Italians.

2. University of Milan, Italy Excellence Scholarships

  • Description: Recognition given to top performing learners admitted into Scholarships for Master in Italy courses.
  • Award: €6000 plus payment for tuition fees within two years.
  • Eligibility: Exceptional academic record, overall experience in studies, work, and research.

3. University of Pisa Scholarships

  • Description: Merit-based awards for 24 students in English-taught Master’s programs.
  • Award: Year one: €6,500 plus tuition fees; year two: €8,000 plus 50% tuition fees.
  • Eligibility: Sound academic record, performance at interview, bias towards disadvantaged applicants.

4. Bocconi Graduate Merit Awards

  • Description: Description: Scholarships given to the best candidates applying for SDA Bocconi MBA programs.
  • Award: Full tuition fee coverage over a period of two years.
  • Eligibility: Top academic achievements, meet MBA requirements, all nationalities welcome.

Governmental and External Scholarships

Invest Your Talent in Italy Scholarship

  • Full tuition scholarships for students from specific countries at partner universities (not open to previous Italy students).
  • Full tuition fees are covered for nine months.
  • Citizen of listed country, motivated student, B2 English proficiency.

Italian Government Scholarships

  • Grants for foreign and returning Italian students pursuing Master’s degrees.
  • €900/month + tuition fees for 6-9 months.
  • B2 English/Italian proficiency, strong academic record, admission to Italian university.

Best Specific Scholarships

International Scholarship for the Master in Management of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

  • Description: LUMSA university specialized English taught master programe reduces the normal cost it charges the student per session per course under this scholarship scheme .
  • Award: €5,000- €10,000 reduction in annual fee within duration of two years.
  • Eligibility: Admission into the program with sound academic records and having working knowledge in development field.

Politecnico International Scholarships

  • Description: Awards for high-performing international students in engineering and architecture Master’s programs.
  • Award: €8,000 p.a. for up to two years.
  • Eligibility: A relevant Bachelor’s degree, admission into master’s program, valid GRE test, and an non-Italian citizen.

Domus Academy Scholarships for Design and Innovation

  • Description: Scholarships awarded through portfolio or project competitions for various Master’s degrees.
  • Award: Up to €9,000, depending on the specific program.
  • Eligibility: Varies by program; see competition details.

University of Padua Additional Scholarships

  • Description: Various departmental scholarships are offered, including Development & Educational Psychology (€6,500) and Mathematical Engineering (€5,000).
  • Eligibility: Admission to program, relevant background, strong academic performance.


  • Application form
  • Transcript Result Card
  • Degree
  • English Letter (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, SAT, or ACT)
  • CV or Resume
  • Study Plan or Personal Statement
  • Recommendation Letters
  • Bank Statements (for some scholarships)
  • Passport/ID Card
  • Acceptance letter
  • Medical certificate
  • Award Certificates (for strong profile)
  • Make copies of all important documents.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What are the different categories of scholarships available for a master’s degree in Italy?

Answer: Some examples of these aid include governmental scholarships, institutional scholarships and those funded by private or international organizations, which often cater for at least tuition fees and sometimes even give a stipend.

Who can apply?

Answer: Eligibility requirements normally differ from one scholarship to another but generally both Italian nationals as well as foreign students are eligible. Sometimes some scholarships may have additional requirement such as academic merit; nationality or field of study.

How do I search for masters’ programs’ scholarships in Italy?

Answer: To find grants, you should browse through official websites of Italian universities, the Italian Ministry of Education and finally look at scholarship portals like ScholarshipPortal or Study in Italy.

Which documents must I present when applying for a scholarship in Italy?

Answer: Required documentation usually includes your passport, copies of academic transcripts, statement(s) addressing your motivation behind seeking sponsorship as well as letters of recommendation and sometimes curriculum vitae (CV) plus evidence showing language skills.

When should I apply for masters’ scholarships in Italy?

Answer: Ideally applications for grants ought to be made not later than six months before the start of an academic year; though deadlines may change so it is important to check ahead the specific details relating to any given award.